The Fetid Stench of America’s Newest Racism

The words in red above, bookending someone’s racist posting on Facebook, are mine.

Only if they donned white cotton robes and matching conical hats, then set life-sized crucifixes afire, could the fecal scum who concocted, posted, and ‘Like’d this despicable posting on Facebook be more satanically racist. If you find what I write here to be blunt, Known that its bluntness is justified. I won’t tolerate racism.

The October 7, 2024, terrorist attack on Israel by the political party Hamas of the Gaza Strip, an atrocity that killed 1,139 Israeli citizens, absolutely was a Crime Against Humanity (as were the Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on the United States during 2001) and Hamas must be eradicated (like Al Qaeda was).

  • Yet when during the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland 1,890 civilians and 1,049 British soldiers died nobody said, ‘Everything I ever needed to learn about Christianity, I learned in Northern Island!’
  • Likewise, after the Thirty Years War, when Protestants and Catholics killed 8 million of each other, nobody said, ‘Everything I ever needed to learn about Christianity, I learned during those three decades!’
  • Nor after Europeans murdered 1.7 million residents of the Middle East during the five invasive ‘Crusades’ did anyone state, ‘Everything I ever needed to learn about Christianity, I learned between during those five invasive massacres!’
  •  Nor, more recently, when the NAZI government killed 7 million civilians during the Holocaust, nobody but racists would have said, ‘Everything I ever needed to learn about Germans, I learned in between 1933 and 1945!’

No, all those statements are demonstrably racist. As clearly are the scantily-educated white men (gee, isn’t it always?) who concocted, posted, ‘Share’d, or ‘Like’d, this excremental graphic on Facebook.

Do these rabidly racist mental runts believe that all 2.2 million Palestinians who live in Gaza attacked Israel on October 7th last year? Including the 1.4 million Palestinian women and children in Gaza?

Do they know that in 2006 the Hamas political party of terrorism violently overthrew the Gaza’s previous government? And that, much like the Russian-occupied eastern European nations during the Soviet Era, all subsequent Gaza ‘elections’ under Hamas terrorist have been staged by Hamas?  Were the people of Armenia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and the Ukraine, themselves responsible for the crimes of Lenin’s and Stalin’s Soviet Communist Party?  Do the human shits who posted this graphic think that the German people themselves were, rather than the NAZIs, were culpable for the Holocaust?

Yet the diarrhea these racists spew blames all of the world’s 1.9 billion Muslims, 25 percent of the world’s population, for what a the estimated 60,000 Hamas party members (that’s Israel’s estimate of their number) among the 2.2 million Palestinians living in Gaza. That’s only 2.6-percent of the Gaza’s population, a percentage probably not coincidentally similar to the 3 million to 6 million Protestant-Americans who were members of the Ku Klux Klan (that’ the FBI’s estimate, which was 2.5-percent of the United States’ population of 123 million then) during mid-1920s; Klansmen who killed thousands of African-American citizens.

The execrable racists who concocted, posted, ‘Share’d, or ‘Like’d this monstrous posting on Facebook, probably consider themselves good or devout Christians–much like so many of the white Baptist ‘good ole boys’ who were Ku Klux Klansmen. Yet those Klansmen back then and these turds who posted this graphic now clearly aren’t really Christians.

Jesus Christ himself lived amid many different religions, such as Canaanites who worshipped idols of Baal and Ashtoresh, Samaritans (a religion still existing today), and polytheistic Romans. The Christian Gospels, known in Arabic as the Injīl and described by the Qur’an as one of the four Islamic holy books, record Christ’s interactions with a Roman Centurion with a sick servant (Luke 7); the Roman governor Pilate (John 18-19); a Canaanite woman with a sick daughter (Matthew 15); a Samaritan leper grateful for his healing (Luke 17); a sinful Samaritan woman at the well (John 4); the allegorical Good Samaritan (Luke 10); and many unnamed sick and demonized from the Palestine and Syria who were most likely not Jewish (Matthew 4 & 8; Mark 3 & 7). According to the Gospels, in none of these interactions did Jesus condemn theirs or anyone else’s religions. Christ’s reactions to people of other religions was always to aid them and if they sinned, or even crucified him, to forgive them.

By contrast, the walking scum who concocted, posted, ‘Share’d, or ‘Like’d this posting on Facebook are demonic in their spewed hate condemning all Muslims worldwide.

The Muslim holy book, the Quran, states that Jesus (‘Isu’ is Arabic) is the Messiah who will return to Earth at the ‘end of times’; overthrow the Anti-Christ; and judge all souls. Christ is revered by Muslims as the penultimate prophet of Islam. In fact, the Quran has more references (each reverent) to Christ than to the Prophet Muhammed.

I happened to be in Cairo on October 7th when Hamas attacked Israel. Egyptians, most of who abhor Hamas, were horrified at the attack, as were the Qataris, Saudis, Emiratis, Kazakhs, and Moroccans I know. Horrified, too, were most Bahrainis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis, Turks, Malays, and other Muslims around the world. When on that tragic days I saw this shitty posting on Facebook, I thought, ‘What imbecilic sick fucks! Hamas would love the hate such racists incite.’ The American racists have probably never met an actual practicing Muslim. Moreover, they might be fans of Muhammed Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Shaquille O’Neil, Mehmet Oz, Dave Chapelle, Ice Cube, Mike Tyson, model Bella Hadid, or other American Muslims, yet hypocritically shit on each those by posting this fecal graphic.

An irony of their posting is that, although they might claim not to be antisemitic, these moronic racists don’t realize that antisemites they by definition are:

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a Semite as:

A member of any of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10:21–31 as descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, traditionally interpreted as including the Hebrews, Aramaeans, Assyrians, and Arabs.

Likewise, the American Merrian-Webster Dictionary defines a Semite as:

  1. A member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.
  2. A descendant of these peoples.
  3. A member of a modern people speaking a Sematic language (Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic).

So, behold the hateful filth behind this racist, even anti-semitic, posting on Facebook!

If I were to state that I know racists, you might think that I was arrogantly boasting that I’ve expertise identifying racists. No, the unfortunate reality is I’m simply stating that I have friends and acquaintances who are demonstrably racists. You’re seeing one of their Facebook postings pictured above. For the past third of a century, I’ve been a paying member of the Whole Earth [E]Lectronic Link or WELL (i.e, why my personal email address is, a seminal online discussion forum whose motto is ‘You Own Your Own Words’. I take responsibility for the bluntness of my words in this blog post and for point out the unmistakable racism in the Facebook posting pictured above. Likewise, they must admit their unmistakable actions. Stating something racist isn’t an opinion. Stating something racist is a demonstrable expression of hate.

Not surprisingly, I know these racists because I went to secondary school with them. It was during elementary and secondary schooling that I first heard racism. As a product of a Catholic parochial elementary school, I had rather sheltered childhood (although, thinking in retrospect, I’m now surprised that the nuns there didn’t actively teach against the evils of racism). At their homes, some of my classmates’ parents would sometimes say things that were racist. Yet as a child then adolescents, I thought perhaps what they said was simply an adult’s opinion of people who looked or worshiped differently than that adult did (the mill town of some 14,000 people where I grew up, its mills employing mostly immigrants, contained 37 churches, temples, and a synagogue, but no mosques). Yet by the time when I graduated from secondary school, I’d learnt that racism isn’t an opinion but one of the most common manifestations of hate and that the ever-aging adolescents who spout that hate aren’t truly adults intellectually, psychologically, or emotionally. Ever since I’d left secondary school and became an adult, I’ve chosen new friends and acquaintances who aren’t racists.

Attending my secondary school graduating class’s 40th and 50th reunions ten years ago and last years doused me back into contact with some of the muck which I’d thought that I’d left those many decades ago. I discovered that 40 to 50 years after our secondary school graduation, they stunted during that time. What a waste of time and a near lifetime of experiences. When after secondary school graduation at age 17, I left that mill town in which I grew up, I was naïve to think that all of my classmates would continue learning throughout their lives. Although some did, other rotted and became even more prejudiced or racists than their parents were.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised by that some of my former classmates posted or ‘Like’d the Facebook racist graphic pictured above. Five years ago, yet another of my former classmates posted a political falsehood on Facebook. In a commented on his posting, I provided incontrovertible evidence that the posting was untrue. That other classmate replied, “Thanks, I didn’t know it was untrue.” That was when one of my former classmates whose name appears in the racist graphic above interjected a comment, “Well, if it’s not true, then it ought to be!” The next day, he then posted the falsehood on his own Facebook page as if it were true, knowing it was false. His interjection and actions those five years ago taught me volumes about his amorality, his lack of ethics, and his stunted and hypocritical character.

Indeed, ‘All I Need to Know about Him, I learned on that One Day.’

If you’ve got a Facebook friend who is this demonstrably racist, ask yourself why. Are friends with him or her because you’ve known the person since childhood, secondary school, or college? That doesn’t justify tolerating racism. You shouldn’t tolerate open racism from anyone, lest by your silent acceptance of it, you and abet their satanic hate.

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